About Secura

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Company Profile

About Secura

Secura is a wholly owned unit of Lookman Electroplast Industries Limited, a pioneer in CCTV Surveillance and Artificial Intelligence in India. We are one of the oldest in-field serving as the latest operating CCTV companies in Asia and a renowned firm in India. We have successfully executed the country’s largest single-city Automatic Licence Plate Recognition and Traffic Violation Detection Project (Ahmedabad Smart City) with a proven track record in project execution in City surveillance, Police department, National Highways, Airports, Reserve Bank of India, Government Hospitals and dealing with many more prestigious clients.

During the last decade, we have been engaged in contemporary research and development of A.I.-based solutions targeting computer vision-based applications in Smart Cities, Intelligent Transportation and Homeland Security, backed by our own DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India) recognised in-house R&D facility. Our certified manufacturing facilities, led by a team of manufacturing and product design experts in Chennai, India produce a robust range of specialised cameras and accessories.

With over 200+ man-years of collective experience in Research and Development, we are well versed in technologies like Computer Vision, TensorFlow, Caffe, Python, C, C++, Java, and .NET framework. We have more than 35 years of experience implementing Security and Surveillance solutions for numerous types of sites including Smart cities, Banks, Airports, Police stations, Space research centres, Hospitals, Educational institutes and Enterprises.


Advanced Face Recognition

Secura’s ACUMEN Face and Appearance recognition system seamlessly combines two separate engines.
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Smart Cities

Ranked No. 2 by the Ministry of Home & Urban Affairs (MOHUA) for Smart City implementation.
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Maximum Accuracy
in Detection

Our software creates confidence levels for red light and speed violations. It conducts data validation and generates
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Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence

The Secura customised Al Suite uses advanced Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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R&D centers

We have set up two state-of-the-art R&D centres, one in Chennai and the other in Ahmedabad for pursuing
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